Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism: Capital, Nature and the Unfinished Critique of Political Economy with Red Library

Remi and Niko join Comrade Adam from Red Library to discuss Kohei Saito’s Capital, Nature, and the Unfinished Critique of Political Economy: Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism. We discuss the concept of metabolism, Marx’s evolution of thought on ecology being the core realm of capitalist crisis, agricultural chemistry, the role of a Marxist ecosocialist perspective to stop the destruction of capital across the planet, and much more even including Žižek’s thoughts on ecology!

Note: The episode ends a bit abruptly as technology bailed on us in the final moments.

Progress of the Storm: Collaboration with Revolutionary Left Radio

We are very happy to release this crossover episode with Breht O’Shea from Revolutionary Left Radio and Red Menace! Remi (@cosmoproletan), Parker (@centristmarxist), and Donald (@donaldp1917) have a wide-ranging discussion with Breht touching on current events, ecological Marxism, organizing, labor, electoral strategy, and more.

While this episode was immediately released for the public at large, for early access to other episodes as well as other gifts (books, t-shirts, pins) sign up for our Patreon to help us fund this operation.