
January 2021

The Revolutionary Karl Kautsky with Ben Lewis

Escaping the Labor Left ‘Safety Valve’: Towards Dual Power in Britain

The Chinese Rural Commune with Zhun Xu

Lenin and Art by Lunacharsky 

Disarming the Magic Bullet 

The Mass Line as Emancipatory Politics 

The Founding of the Haitian Communist Party 

Materialist History or Critical History: A Reply to Jean Allen

An X-Ray of the Yugoslav Experiment in Self-Management 

December 2020

Radio Free Punjab

Christianity and the Revolutionary Origins of the Jesus Movement

Attic Communists of the Netherlands

Driving in Reverse: Prop 22 and AppBased Drivers’ Resistance with Boston Independent Drivers Guild

A Twelve-Step Program for Democrat Addiction

Revisiting the Lysenko Affair

Lenin and the “Class Point of View”: Looking at Chris Maisano’s “The Constitution and the Class Struggle”

November 2020

The Tragedy of American Science with Cliff Conner

Just Another Kautsky Fan: Understanding the Early Stalin

Pull the Plugs? Labor, Power, and the Rise of Fossil Capitalism

Cults of our Hegemony: An Inventory of Left-Wing Cults

Without a Party, We Have Nothing

Beginnings of Politics: DSA and the Uprising

Walter Polakov and the Hidden History of Socialist Scientific Management

Organizing the Oppressed with Mara & Janaya of Philly Socialists

The Historic Accomplishment of Karl Marx by Karl Kautsky

October 2020

Revolutionary Parliamentarism with August Nimtz

Popular Radicalism in the 1930s: The Forgotten History of the Workers’ Unemployment Insurance Bill

Popular Radicalism in the 1930s: The Forgotten History of the Workers’ Unemployment Insurance Bill

Knowledge Democratization, Bourgeois Specialists and the Organization of Science in the Early Soviet Union

Justice of the Inca by Tristan Marof

The Politics of Drugs and Harm Reduction with Michael Gilbert

Ending the Eternal Present: A Historical Materialist Account of the 1970s

Worse than Dead: A Critical Response to McKenzie Wark

The FARC: Between Past and Future

The Zhenotdel and Women’s Emancipation in the Central Asian Republics with Anne McShane

September 2020

U.S Constitution: Hiding in Plain Sight 

Henry Hale’s Theory of Patronal Politics: A Marxist Perspective 

Weaponized Words: The Language of Anti-Communism

Hold Your Fire!: A Warning to the Left 

Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism: Capital, Nature and the Unfinished Critique of Political Economy with Red Library 

The Fight for Socialism in the Philippines 

‘The Struggle for Democracy in Africa’ by Iyasou Alemayehu

Different Horizons of Science Fiction Under Socialism by Virginia Conn

“Was Mao a Bukharinist?”: The “Three-Line Struggle” in Economic Debates preceding the Great Leap Forward

August 2020

Ferdinand Lasalle: A 25-year Memorial by Karl Kautsky

From Trade Union Consciousness to Socialist Consciousness with Chris Townsend

Che Guevara and the Economics of Socialist Transition 

Lenin’s Boys: A Short History of Soviet Hungary 

Capitalism in the Web of Life: A Discussion 

Workers and Writers: The Communist Novel in Britain 

Revolutionary Discipline and Sobriety

Unmasking Social Construction with Djamil Lakhdar 

The Materialism of Warm Stream-Marxism: Ernst Bloch on Ibn Sina

Protests, Guerillas and Revolution in Iran with Yassamine Mather 

July 2020

Letter to the Socialists, Old and New

Of Course Labor Law Advances the Class Struggle

Spontaneous Philosophy in Science and Activism

Food, Capitalism and the Necessity of a Socialist Program

Beyond Work? The Shortcomings of Post-Work Politics

Prefiguration and (Cosmic) Utopia with A. M. Gittlitz

The Dialectic of Assimilation

Marx’s Ecology: Materialism and Nature

The Struggle to Oust Duterte, Imperialism, and Capitalist Rule

Articulating and Organizing the Social Body 

June 2020

The Propertied and the Propertyless by Anton Pannekoek

Marx Beyond the Mystics

To Live and Die in Kerala

Structuring the Party: The Case of the DSA

Komsomol Life: Interrogating the Soviet Young Communist League with Sean Guillory

The Problem of Unity: A Comparative Analysis

The fight for a better end of the world

Mask Off: Crisis & Struggle in the Pandemic

The Many Worlds of American Communism

May 2020

Some Words of Advice for our Comrades in the Streets

The Past and Future of Socialist Labor with Adolph Reed and Ed Bruno

Judith Butler’s Impotent Politics of Nonviolence

The Tortoise and The Hare: Cybernetics, Evolution and Socialism

Radio Free Seoul

Letter from a French Prison by Antonin Bernanos

Cybernetic Revolutionaries: A Discussion

A Critical History of Management Thought

Against Socialist Reactionaries: a response to Jacob Richter

April 2020

Toward the Mass Strike: Interview with Two Southern Organizers

Progress of the Storm: Collaboration with Revolutionary Left Radio

Christopher Caudwell and the Crisis in Physics: A Discussion

Colonialism and Anti-Colonialism in the Second International

Freedom in Death: Liberalism and the Apocalypse

The Invisible Landscape: Tracing the Spiritualist Utopianism of Nineteenth-Century America

The Practical Policy of Revolutionary Defeatism

Join the Struggle at Amazon!

On the actuality of Spinoza by Jørgen Sandemose

March 2020

The End of the End of History: COVID-19 and 21st Century Fascism 

Terrestrial Shamanism against the Exterminist Leviathan

STEMbrain Socialism

The Family is Dead, Long Live the Family 

Crossing the Line: Habitus and Misrecognition in Bong Joon-Ho’s Parasite

Super Tuesday Special 

The Situation in India and How it Has Gotten Here

February 2020

Political Undercurrents in Soviet Economic Debates: A Discussion 

Between Friend and Foe: the Democratic Party Primary and the Future of the Empire

The Need for Organizations that Organize

The Need for Agitational Organizations 

Invasion: A Story of Anti-Colonial Resistance

The African Blood Brotherhood and the Origin of Black Communism in the United States

“Taylor’s System and Organization” by Nadezhda Krupskaya

Economic Circulation: Blood-Based Systems of Value in Alexander Bogdanov’s Red Star

January 2020

Taking Stock: Electoralism vs The Capitalist Arsenal 

Radio Free Cairo

Beyond Denial and Abstinence: How Climate Change Can Bring Us A Better World

Fragment on War, National Questions, and Revolution by Rosa Luxemburg 

On the Origin of the Split and the Reconstruction of Unity by Karl Kilbom

On Hasidic Jew, Anti-Semitism, and Non-Profits 

Knowledge: Power and Emancipation 

December 2019

Her Majesty’s Most Loyal Opposition 

Faith. Family, and Folk: Against the Trad Left 

“Anti-Marxism”: Professor Mises as Theorist of Fascism by Fedor Kapelush

Taking Stock: Rifles and Reforms 

From NPC to PMC

Power as Savior and Destroyer of the World

An Accumulation of Affect 

November 2019

Ali Shariati: Ideologue of the Iranian Revolution

‘The United Front’ by Juan Carlos Mariategui 

Organizing for Power: Stealing Fire From the Gods 

Revolutionary Reels: Soviet Propaganda Film and the Russian Revolution 

Remembering Noel Ignatiev 

Which Side Are You On?: The Challenge of the 1974 Ethiopian Revolution 

Carrying the Burden of Communist Man 

October 2019

“How Wearisome Eternity”: A Review of ‘Capital is Dead’ by Mckenzie Wark

“Socially Organized Society: Socialist Society” by Alexander Bogdanov

Degrees of Kevin Bacon from the PKK 

Criticism and Self-Criticism: Red Guards or Iron Guards? 

Reparations of Self-Determination: Loosening the Black-Belt

For the Unity of Marxists with the Dispossessed: Bolsheviks and the State, 1912-1917 

Incels, Housewives, and the Workers’ Republic 

Speech on Environmental Protections by Karl Liebknecht 

September 2019

Historiography Wars: The French Revolution 

For the Unity of Marxists, or the Unity of the Dispossessed 

The Military Question in the Framework of the Construction of the Communal State 

For the Unity of Marxists: Response to Fog & Storm 

DSA Convention: Fog & Storm 

Trans-cending the Market: How Socialist Planning Can Meet the Needs of Transgender People

‘Expelled, but Communist’ by Boris Souvarine  

August 2019

A Fight On Two Fronts: On Jean Luc Godard’s La Chinoise 

“Consistent Advocates of the Arab People”: Soviet Perceptions of and Policy on Palestine 

Holocaust Capitalism 

Organizing the Class: Interview with Two Members of Target Workers Unite 

‘Evolution and the National Question’ and ‘East and Revolution’ by Safarov 

Neither Intersectionality Nor Economism: For a Genuine Class Politics 

More Acid Than Communism

July 2019

Saint Francis of Assisi by Karl Kautsky 

The Party, the Just City, and the Sacred Fire 

Frauen und die rote Fahne: Gender and the Destruction of the Kommunistische Partei Deutschland

#MeToo and the Man of Mystery: Understanding Evil in the Social Hell of Capital 

The Democratic Socialist Cul-de-sac: A Critical Look at The Socialist Manifesto

Culture Beyond Capital: Art, Authenticity, and the 21st Century Workers’ Movement

June 2019

Debating Electoral Strategy in the Comintern, 1920: The Bulgarian Situation 

Considerations on the Basis of the Socio-Political, Economic and Cultural Development of the Turkic Peoples of Asia and Europe by Mirsaid Sultan Galiev

Whose Democracy? An Introduction to Oligarchy in the United States

Why Define Fascism?: In Defence of Making Distinctions

Latino Radicals and the Communist Party in the New Communist Movement: A Case Study of Two Oral Histories

Post-Insurrectionary Strategy

The Grey Tree of Post-Keynesianism: The Classical Account, Inflation, and Unemployment

May 2019

Critique of the Satsljöbaden Agreement

Cosmic Imagination in Revolutionary Russia

The Winnipeg General Strike: From Revolt to Revolution? 

Leon Trotsky and Cultural Revolution 

The Retrograde Left 

April 2019 

Is Marxism Obsolete? 

In Defense of the Labor Theory of Value 

Strasserism vs. “Strasserism”: Turning Over the Right Rocks 

Revolution or the Democratic Road to Socialism: Reply to Eric Blanc 

Democratic Road to Socialism: Reply to Mike Taber 

Kautsky, Lenin, and the Transition to Socialism: A Reply to Eric Blanc 

Michael Harrington and His Afterlives 

Gracchus Babeuf: From Jacobin to Communist 

No Replacement for the Marxist Theory of Revolution 

March 2019

What’s At Stake in the Democratic Socialists of America? 

Profits Beyond Reason and Reason Beyond Profits 

LaRouche: A Warning For Us All 

Opposition to Unity and Unity of Opposition: Spain and the POUM

New Perspectives on Popular Struggle Against Intervention in Venezuela

Building Camaraderie in the CPUSA, 1930-50

February 2019

The Democratic Bolshevik 

No Bernie

Early American Socialism and the Poverty of Colorblind Marxism 

A Left-Wing History of the Republican Party 

Envisioning a Revolutionary Food System 

Communists and Unions in the 21st Century

Making State Theory Revolutionary

January 2019

The Scam of Representation: Dispatch from Venezuela 

The Solution of Bukharin by Amadeo Bordiga

Brick by Brick: An Appeal to Strength

A Road Towards Workers’ Solidarity in the Indian Subcontinent

Who Thinks Abstractly? 2.0 

100 Years Since Rosa Luxemburg’s Death: A Resolution on the New International 

Building Revolution in the USA: Notes on Marxist Center Conference, 2018

“Left” Anti-Immigration: A Chauvinist Disorder 

Fighting Fascism: Communist Resistance to the Nazis, 1928-33

Eugenics 2.0: How Dialectical Materialism Can End the Nature/Nurture Debate 

December 2018

Long, Queer Revolution

Alienation and Social Reproduction Among the Subaltern

Shame and Misery: A Materialist History of Gay Politics

Critique of the Masculine Program 

Building the Party: The Merger Formula in the American Context 

On Women As A Class: Materialist Feminism and the Mass Struggle 

November 2018

A Worker On Workers’ Education 

May 1968: The Birth of Neoliberalism?

Long Term Failures: A Short History of the CIA and the Destabilization of Leftist Governments in Latin America

Why We Still Need Pitchforks: A Critique of the Politics of Nora Belrose

Capitalism: What it is and How to Abolish it 

What Do the Democratic Socialist of America Stand For Politically?

Double Agent in Detroit: Anti-Communism at the Local Level

Against Think-Tank Socialism: A Review of ‘Inventing the Future’ 

October 2018

Memo on DSA Electoral Campaigns 

How Empires Die

Insurrection and Defeat in Bavaria 1918-1919 (Part 2)

From Workers’ Party to Workers’ Republic

Dispatch on Brazil

Missing Victory? Blanqui and the Paris Commune

The USSR’s Founding Mother

Ideal and Real History: L.A. Kauffman’s Direct Action

How to Play with Fire: Electoral Politics in the Heart of Empire

September 2018

Insurrection and Conciliation in Bavaria, 1918-19 (part 1) 

Historical Narratives of the Red Terror

Communists and the National Question in the 21st Century

The Future is the Past: The Failure of Acceleration

The Conquest of Ballots

Why Have a Political Program?

Where Does Power Come From?